(1 left!) Serato x Thudrumble Weapons of Wax!!! (Spike shape) πŸ’₯Low Quantity! πŸ’₯


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Woo! It's back! The Beautiful Serato x Thudrumble production of Weapons of Wax number 1 of 4! Side A: Serato control tone and Side B: analog skipless skratch sounds!!! Intended for the pro Djs only! (Not responsible if you're an amateur and the needle skips!)

⭐️(Insert Kung fu movie music) πŸ”₯Equip your fists of faders w the elegant #weaponsofwax now πŸ‘πŸ½ before they’re all raided! Arm yourself with this Spike shaped ninja wax weapon for your record sheath! πŸ™ Aah, feels so good! 🌟 Roundhouse your own sounds on the @serato side and back flip it over to the β€œDon’t skratch these Ill samples (but you will anyway) Thud Rumble analog side!β€πŸ² Flying Guillotines for the serious student skratchers all the way to the Grand Masters of mix martial arts! Shuriken heal or hurt... πŸ‘ŠπŸ½choose your path wisely! Invent and unlock whole new dimensions of infinite sonic chop technics, and add a new universe to your drum skratching punchy πŸ₯Š kicks🦡 Hands down 🀚🏽 the flyest wax ever made in the Buddha Palm of your fists!!! 🏝 The only records you’d want to take to a deserted island or Han’s!πŸ–These records are strictly made for smooth mixers, illusionists, ninjas and to make your 5 fingers of death strike fear in opponents with your striking pose πŸ‘€πŸ‘… Just ask Chuck Norris... Limited Edition records. 1st 2 shapes of 4 available now, Collect them all! πŸ† May the #weaponsofwax protect you πŸ™ (Gong Sound)

Warning: πŸ›‘ Made for mixing and looking like stars! ⭐️Do not Skratch with these unless you are a smooth pro black belt drive dj πŸ₯‹cuz your needle will K.O. if you’re not like water my friend!πŸ’§We’re not responsible if you don’t train hard and break something! πŸ‰ .

Forged by Serato x thudrumble πŸ‘Ύ (Smoke bombs not included) πŸ’£ πŸ’¨

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