PRE-ORDER!πŸ”₯️‍ SUPERSEAL πŸ”₯️‍ 8.2 INCHER VOL. 2 πŸ”₯️‍


$ 24.00

This special item is a Pre-OrderΒ 
(Please order this separately unless you don't mind your other items coming together at the same time this record ships. (ETA: Late march or early april).

πŸ’ͺ🀩 OH MY GOODNESS!!! πŸš€ SUPERSEAL 8.2 INCHER!!! πŸš€ YES!!! It's just a little bigger than the last record!! This vol.2 will be at 8.2 inches!!! SAY WHAT??!! BLAM!!! Even more hand room than the last record!!!

This particular record will be very, very, very special as one side will feature THE classic superseal formula from the original Superseal record we all know and love!!! BOOM!!! The other side will be an indestructible Aah and Fresh in a full side of ultra skipless heaven!!!


8.2 Incher gives you waaay more control than the common tiny 7” records!Β  Huge game changer for the portablists! πŸ† An historic moment for skratchers! Taking skratching to the highest level and beyond!!! πŸ‘Ύ Comes in beautiful


milky clear white and neon orange vinyl!Β 

Art: Yedi Fresh, Mars-1, Skratchy Seal + East3



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